
Today's Callan

Watch one’s step

Be careful what one does or says

You have to watch your step
You’d better watch your step


You’ll have to watch your step or you’ll find yourself in great difficulty.
You have to watch your step when you do business with people you know nothing about
He’s in a bad mood, so watch your step and don’t say anything wrong!

Conversation 1

A: I’m going to go bushwalking this weekend.

B: Really? Where are you going?

A: Up in the Blue Mountains.

B: Oh, some of the paths up there are very narrow and a little dangerous, you’d better watch your step.

A: Thanks for the advice, but I will be careful.

Conversation 2

A: Did you hear about Kate’s new boyfriend?

B: Yes I met him last weekend.

A: What did you think?

B: There was something about him that I didn’t like.

A: What?

B: I’m not sure, but I didn’t trust him, so I told her to watch her step.

Conversation 3

A: What are you doing tonight?

B: I’m going out drinking with my friends.

A: Where are you going?

B: Up to Kings Cross.

A: You’d better watch your step up there, I hear it can be dangerous.

B: I’ll try to.

Conversation 4

A: I was late for work today, again

B: Oh no, what did the boss say?

A: He wasn’t very happy, he told me that if I didn’t watch my step then I would be looking for a new job.

B: Oh dear, make sure that you are on time tomorrow.

(Callan book4, Stage 8 715p)

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